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Ephemeral Eternity is Condro Priyoaji’s third solo exhibition that sees the continuation of the artist’s long-term obsession with the interplay and fleeting nature between light, shadow, and landscape. In this new series of paintings, Condro has taken a more context-specific point of reference, where the changing landscape of the KBU in Northern Bandung became his departure point. 


Condro’s paintings have become even more poignant evidence of specific trees that used to populate the area but are no longer present. This small act of Condro’s attention to shadows emphasizes nature’s fragile existence which, at its core, is also ephemeral and fleeting. Condro Priyoaji’s Ephemeral Eternity begs us to take time to appreciate natural beauty which is currently under extreme threat. Light has been a Western symbol for enlightenment and scientific knowledge. Yet here in Condro’s cosmology, shadow reflects a more complex, nuanced sense of truth: in the name of development, gain has always come at the cost of things significant, and at times, such loss can never be returned.

— Van Do