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Opening 5 September, 2019 at 7pm | A group exhibition by Imhathai Suwatthanasilp, Jiratchaya Pripwai and Yim Yen Sum.

In collaboration with Numthong Gallery, A+ Works of Art is proud to present ‘Transience and Transformation’ ; Transience — a state of ephemerality, an experience that exists only for a fleeting moment — is a phenomenon that has never been more pronounced than in our present day of technological saturation. Flittering widgets of information aim to feed our continually withering attention-spans. It seems we are always helplessly interrupted by the next smartphone notification. The paradox is that we make a fetish of time as we waste so much of it, trying to make the most efficient, most valuable decision possible in an instant

The exhibition alludes to that juncture of reflection that lingers and stretches out our sense of time, offering us a brief respite from the frenzy of our time.